Day 4 Cock warming #kinkuuronii2024 - Local_flameyy (2025)

Kiyoomi was a man of patience, within reason. And god was Atsumu testing him. The season had been over for a week, so the team had been out together under the premise of 'team bonding', yet they all knew they wanted to get shit faced drunk every other night. Today was no different, the four monster generation were at Bokutos place with his partner, Akaashi Keiji. Yet it wasn't the slutty dancing or lack of acknowledgement Atsumu was giving him, it was that turtle neck sweater.

Kiyoomi had originally thought the blonde was covering up marks from their last few scenes, yet as the days bled into weeks, he was sure they'd of faded. The blonde wasn't seeing anyone else, as per their dom/sub agreement, so it left Kiyoomi puzzled to say the least. It wasn't until one of their team bonding sessions when Kiyoomi had found out the real reason.

Atsumu was a fucking minx. A true devil spawn. Kiyoomi had passed him in the bathroom, fixing his shirt, when he noticed it. The shock collar. Atsumu was still wearing the collar. He felt his mouth go dry as Atsumu turned to smirk at him, noticing his presence.
"Glad you've caught on... sir." Oh he really was testing his limits. And this new knowledge led him to huddle in the corner of the furthest sofa, wondering on how fucked up the blonde really was. Their recent video was done almost two weeks ago, meaning the blonde had kept the collar on, waiting. Had he thought Kiyoomi would randomly electrocute him at any given moment? Had he waited for Kiyoomi to catch on to finally pounce. His thought blurred into the alcohol, irritation mixing with curiosity.

He needed to know.


Give me the go ahead and I'll do it.

If Atsumu hadn't planned anything like this, he wouldn't of done this.



If Kiyoomi dick twitched at the name, he would deny it. The remote was both physical and wired to his phone, making it easier for him to have full access. Flicking his gaze around the room, he noticed Atsumu had sunk himself into a sofa, lazily chatting with Akaashi. Perfect.

Opening up the app, he began to adjust the settings, wanting to test the waters. Setting the voltage to the lowest level, he pressed the button. Atsumu had shuddered slightly, sinking deeper into the sofa. Kiyoomi knew he wouldn't be able to keep a normal face in public, and so he changed his mind. Sure he was known to be a cruel dom, but this was a threat to Atsumu being publicly humiliated in front of his entire team. Another day he'd tease him infront of the team. He knew the team found him ravishing, they'd openly talked about it in the locker room. He wondered what they'd think knowing their cute setter was nothing but a dumb whore.


My room.
10 minutes.

Sakusa stood up after shooting the text, excusing himself under the premise of meeting his mother early in the morning. He knew Atsumu would follow after, the look of longing in his eyes said as much. As much as Atsumu would deny it on the court, he was reduced to nothing but Kiyoomis bitch when it came to lust.

He was right, about 15 minutes later Atsumu knocked on the apartment door. He had showered, hence the extra five minutes, but Kiyoomi didn't mind. Yet. It would just add into his scene.

"Seat yourself on the bedroom floor. I'll be their in a minute," he'd instructed the blonde, whom nodded. There was no camera today, nothing but the two of them. But it didn't stop Kiyoomi from being the uncaring dom he was.

As he expected, the blonde was wearing in his usual set, whilst seating himself on the floor nearest to the bed. Kiyoomi walked over, then also took a seat, but on the bed. He'd clicked his tongue, signalling for the blonde to crawl over. Roughly tracing his fingers over Atsumu's lips, Kiyoomi admired the blondes beauty. Without the cocky nature the blonde had, he was angelic. His lips plush and eyes glistening with want, Kiyoomi thought he was ethereal. Yet what was more beautiful was the pretty sounds that came out his mouth when toyed with.

And Kiyoomi was here to play.

"Don't you look beautiful like this," he mused, hands now threading through the blondes locks, before grabbing a bunch, lurching the blondes head right into his crotch. Atsumu peered up, as if silently asking for approval. Kiyoomi nodded his head, giving Atsumu to approval to pull the zipper down, along with the curly heads boxers. Kiyoomi was half hard in his face, dick threatening to leak with precum.

Atsumu pressed his tongue against the slip in an obscene manner, testing out the waters. He was in the middle of sliding down slightly deeper when he found himself jerking back, a strangled noise coming out his throat. His body felt like it was burning, face flushed and tears threatening to spill.
, "When I ask you to do something, you do the job properly," Kiyoomi snarled, a very familiar remote twirling around his fingers. Kiyoomi had shocked him because he couldn't do one simple task properly.
"Sorry sir..." he whined, crawling back to his seat. This time, he settles deeper, lapping and swirling his tongue. The next shock hits him, but he's more prepared. Shoulders slumping, yet the burn was still there.
"I didn't give you permission to stop now, did I?" Another shock, this one more powerful. A pitiful whine escaped his lips, teeth grazing the curly heads length.

Kiyoomi looked at his with disappointing eyes, before kicking him backwards roughly, the blonde falling hard on his back.
"This isn't going to work, is it?" Atsumu could do better, but he didn't want too. Right now, he didn't want to suck dick, he wanted to be fucked. Kiyoomi had understood this, but the blonde knew he wasn't going to give him what he truly wanted. Instead, he'd agonisingly stretched him out, curling his fingers at intervals before slowing sliding himself inside him.

Then nothing.

Kiyoomi had taken out his phone, sending text messages to a friend. Atsumu wanted to bitch to Kiyoomi, until he felt the familiar burn. Atsumu jolts, clearly taken back. He clenches around Kiyoomis dick in the process, head thrown back as he sees Kiyoomis eyes glisten with lust.
"Oh my god..." he found himself moaning, as the blonde shocks him again. This time, he clenched harder, grinding down as he lets out a half cry half moan. Pleasure shoots through his spine, cock aching and in need. But Kiyoomi was only hear for himself. He just needed to release. He wasn't wearing his cage today, meaning Kiyoomi had a plan for him.

He did have a plan, but he wanted to focus on himself for now. Every time the blonde clenched down, Kiyoomi had to bite down the urge to set out a sinful groan. The blonde knew how to test his limits, it took all of his might to not just fuck him right there and them.
"If you keep this up for another 10 minutes, I'll consider fucking you," he knew he was going to fuck the blonde either way, but the ultimatum gave the blonde something to focus on. He knew the blonde wanted release, as though he could hear his thoughts. With every shock, he'd clench harder, sinking down completely, legs completely jelly. He was completely helpless on Kiyoomis dick, left to his complete mercy.

The thought left Kiyoomi reeling, the power trip was sometimes to much for him. It had only been about 5 minutes, but he couldn't wait. Tightly gripping the blondes waist, he slammed himself into him, causing the blonde to choke on his own saliva. Setting a brutal pace worked wonders on him, yet the blonde couldn't chase his own release. Kiyoomi had, his seed lodged deep within the blonde, but the shocks mixed with the stimulation had left Atsumu floating in a space where he had no idea what to do without Kiyoomi telling him.

That trust was something he wanted to manipulate.

"Open your mouth for me sweetheart," he crooned, Atsumu diligently lolling out his tongue out and open. Kiyoomi was so sure he had an oral fixation, from the ice cubes to now. Instead right now there were no ice cubes. He placed the remote in his mouth. Atsumu looked at him confused, unsure what this was about.
"You wanna cum don't you?" he asked.
The blonde nodded.
"Then you're going to work for it," he spat out, hands returning to his hips. Atsumu still looked confused, or he was either playing dumb.
"Are you still empty headed," he taunted, flicking his fingers against the blondes forehead, "I'm telling you to shock yourself. So when I tell you, you do it."

If Kiyoomi had 100 yen every time the blondes eyes widened in a comical fashion, he would be a millionaire.
"You're going to shock yourself for me as I fuck you however I like," fingers ghosting the dried tears. Atsumu had his teeth positioned over the button, giving Kiyoomi the non verbal affirmation he knew what was going to go down.

With that, Kiyoomi set the pace once again, greedily sliding in and out, like he was addicted.
"Fucking shock yourself you bitch," he groaned into the blondes ear, nails digging into fresh skin. Atsumu squeezed his eyes shut, and bite down on the button. Kiyoomi had turned the voltage to the highest setting, making it the most intense one out of them all. It took everything within the blonde to not scream and drop the remote, he didn't feel like having a repeat of the ice cube scenario. He’s floating, floating through the weird buzzing sensation of the reverberating electricity in his system. He knows it’s just his nerves firing without pause, but it feels like he’s channeling the power and as if the only way to ground himself is through his release. His head drops, hair sticking to his sweaty forehead as he keeps rutting and thrusting and rolling his hips in the air.

Yet it's not enough for him. He needed more. He craved more.

He bit down again, with no hesitation. He wants this. No, he needs this. This time, he clamps down for longer, letting himself loose himself to the pain. His entire body trembles at the delicious overstimulation. He’s so close. So close. One more shock, one more and then he gets to spill his seed all over the floor like the little bitch he is.

Kiyoomi slumps down into a comfortable position, watching Atsumu, panting heavily as he tries to catch his breath. He was spent, but not done to miss the show. The blonde was going to finish by the shock collar alone, under his gaze.

Atsumu loves it. Loves being _watched_.

He keeps fucking into the air, trying to gain any sort of extra stimulation. Kiyoomi squeezes a little more against his thighs, the pain already nearly tipping him over the edge. He gasps, trying to pull back, but one little tap against his balls has him obedient enough.

“Nnnn,” he mumbles around the remote.

He needs it. He can’t hold back. Not any longer.

His vision is blurry, his stomach coiling and burning with an all-consuming need to release.

He nods once, and Atsumu gulps, "Shock yourself again tsumu.” The nickname a taunt, to see if he would really do it. Yet Atsumu is so desperate that he doesn’t even think twice, doesn’t even _realize_ that the shock is going hurt with his already burnt neck and flushed skin. He was sure he going to explode.

He bites down, the shock surging through him like a sizzling fire that sets off the bomb. Atsumu cried out, spilling onto his stomach, as he's milked to the last drop. He leans his head against Kiyoomis chest, who was watching him with an amusing smile.
"Whatcha looking at," he tries to sound menacing but fails fantastically.
"You're not as strong as you make yourself out to be you know."
"Shutup," he slurred, eyes fluttering shut.
"Tell me shut up and I'll zap you again," the teasing tone was there, but it was enough to perk Atsumus interest.
"We could do this again?" he asked slowly.
"Sure, I can think of many things this fits into," Kiyoomi thought about it for a second before responding.

Kiyoomi was truly blessed with one good sub.

Day 4 Cock warming #kinkuuronii2024 - Local_flameyy (2025)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.