Soaring Magazine Index for 2014 organized by issue (2024)

The contents have all beenre-entered by hand, so there are going to be typos and confusion between author and subject,etc...
Pleasesend along any corrections and suggestions for improvement.
Department, Columns, or Sections of the magazine are indicated withinparentheses '()'.
Subject, and sub-subject, are indicated within square brackets '[]'.

Click on a thumbnail cover to see the fullsized issue [they can be big!].

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December


    Scott Thomason, Carolina Soaring Association's Grob 103 Twin Astir Launch Sequence (Covers) [Photography\Sequence\Launch]
    Chuck Coyne, Resolutions (Flight Lines) [Perspectives\Airlines; Resolutions\First-timer rides], page2
    Jack Wilson, Suggesting "S" Turns (Soaring Mail) [Safety\Spoilers], page3
    Arch Schoch, Back Issues Available (Soaring Mail) [SOARING\Available], page4
    Ed Pickens, Seen Overseas (Soaring Mail) [Afghanistan\Sign], page4
    Jim Deck, League of Silent Flight Request (Soaring Mail) [Models\Launch], page4
    Mark Rebuck, Kolstad Scholarship Update (Soaring Mail) [Champions], page4
    John Willden, Seeing L-13 Chat (Soaring Mail) [Blanik L-13\Experimental], page5
    Ted Diehl, Suggestion for Magazine Column (Soaring Mail) [SOARING\Column\Used Sailplanes], page5
    Tom Doyle, Dear Editor (Soaring Mail) [Safety\Wing Drop], page5
    Ron Ridenour, 2014 SSA Convention Safety Stand Down Meeting Surely You Can't be Serious (2014 Safety Program) [Convention\Safety], page8
    Frauke Elber, 2014 WAPA Scholarship Raffle (Soaring News) [Scholarship\Funds], page10
    John Williams, Flight Review Requirements for CFIs Have Been Revised (Soaring News) [Rules\FAA], page10
    Long Time Glider Pilot (Soaring News) [People\Bill Brinkman], page10
    Sixty-Year TSA Members (Soaring News) [People\Ken "Jake" Jacobs\Oats Schwarzenberger], page10
    Wings & Wheels Under New Management, at New Location (Soaring News) [Business\Wings & Wheels], page10
    Bernald Smith, That Little Word Safety (2014 Safety Program) [Safety\Motivation], page12
    Daniel Johnson, CFIG Marketing Toolbox,Part Two (Selling Soaring) [Promotion\CFIG], page14
    Joy McKee, New to the Crew A Neophyte's Report (Feature Article) [Competitions\Champions\Sarah Kelly], page16
    Dan Reagan, Downwind Dash (Feature Article) [Cross-Country], page20
    Gene Reinecke, Winter Soaring Musing From Utah (Feature Article) [Off-Season\Dreaming\Planning], page24
    Brian Collins, 100 Days... 100+ SSA/CAP 1st Flight Certificates (Feature Article) [Training\Youth\SSA/CAP], page27
    Keith Purves, Schreder HP-16T, Logan, Utah (Centerfold) [Sailplane\Schreder HP-16T], pages30, 31
    Scott Fletcher, Making Carolina Soaring Association's Winch Drum #4 (Feature Article) [Launching\Winch\Construction], page32
    Daniel Johnson, Friendly Fear (Soaring RX) [Medical\Fear], page35
    Jim Sprandel, Lady Deidre, Chris Caselli, and David Mockler, Sailplane Photography - Phoebus A, Grob Twin Astir, AG-29 (Photo Showcase) [Photography\Sailplanes], pages40, 41
    Bill Daniels, Weather to Winch (Winching World) [Launch\Winch\Weather], page42
    Scott Manley, Nyal Williams, and David Fisichella, Barnaby Lecture, Condor Reluctance, My Condor Story A Fledgling Condor (The Condor Corner) [Simulation\Condor\Barnaby Lecture], page44
    (Contributions)No author or title, [Contributions\Eagle Fund], page45
    (Contributions)No author or title, [Contributions\Eagle Fund], page48
    Bertha Ryan, Remembering the Past (Soaring Memories) [History], page49
    Contests and Special Events (Soaring Calendar) [Calendar], page50
    Rollin Hasness, Badges & Records (SSA and FAI Awards) [Awards\Badges], page52
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Add-on\Mark Houser], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Alan Murray\David Sherrill], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Jim Rickey], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Add-on\Bill Schomas], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Add-on\Jimmy Lee], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Anicerto Rivera], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\License\Stan Los], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Alex Scaperotta], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Ruti Faibisoff], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Anders Backlund], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Kaitlan Brown], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Eddie Coutras], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Zack Morris], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Joy Thornburg], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Kevin Price], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\James Allen], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\William Liebbe], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Fernando Vittoni], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Scott Malerbe], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Noel Chun], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Howard Ragsdale], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Nick Amendola], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Steve Novak], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Christina Adkins], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Bob Petty], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [New Ratings\CFI-G\Louis Glaab\Ian McFall; Commercial\Merlin Stevens\James Clark\Chuck Waldo], page56
    Final Glide (Soaring Milestones) [Obituaries\Joseph Flattery; Obituaries\Donald Slotten; Obituaries\George Myer; Obituaries\Don LaCross; Obituaries\Paul Jennings], page56

February(up to table of contents)

    Maria Szemplinska, Brenda Seaborn working on the grid, 2012 15-Meter Nationals at Mifflin (Covers) [Sailplane\Contest\Pilot]
    Chuck Coyne, Just Do It. Now. (Flight Lines) [Promotion\Don't Delay; Act Today!], page2
    Arthur Wallace, Online FIRC - If not now, when? (Soaring Mail) [Instruction\FIRC], page3
    Jack Milavic, (Soaring Mail) [Training\Tests\Standardization], page4
    John Boyce, Calling Dr. Johnson (Soaring Mail) [Medical\Air Sick], page4
    Russell Craig, Counting Hours (Soaring Mail) [Training\Tests], page4
    Alan Bokma, (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Liberal], page6
    Paul Chapman, (Soaring Mail) [Training\Tests\Failure rate], page6
    Ted Diehl, (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\"Global Warming"], page6
    Tim Wood, Hot Air and Global Warming (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Global Warming], page6
    Daniel Johnson, (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Climate Change], page7
    Jason Howard, Searching for a Back Issue (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Back Issue\Raspet], page7
    Greg Swiderski, Cool Ops Table (Soaring News) [Operations\Headquarters], page12
    Ralph Kolstad, 2013 Kolstad Scholarship Award Winner (Soaring News) [Awards\Kolstad\James Peer Stewart], page12
    Kyle Mathes-Orr Nominated to Attend the U.S. Naval Academy (Soaring News) [Scholarships\AF Academy], page12
    Ron Ridenour, No Worries! I'm insured. (2014 Safety Program) [Insurance\Cost], page13
    Mark DuCharme, Marketing Planning (Selling Soaring) [Promotion\Planning], page14
    Dan Gudgel, The Area Forecast Discussion (Weather to Fly) [Weather\Forecast], page16
    Daniel Johnson, Mental Fatigue: Adjust or Stop? (Soaring RX) [Medical\Mental Fatigue], page18
    Joe Walter, Safer Soaring (Feature Article) [Safety\Procedure], page21
    Ian Nadas, Hanging on to Dreams (Feature Article) [Cross-Country\Persistence], page22
    Dianne Black-Nixon, The 2014 U.S. Team (Feature Article) [Competition\World], page26
    Mike Abernathy, Cloudstreet:Soaring the American West - An Update (Feature Article) [Cross-Country\West\Cloudstreet; Video], page29
    Maria Szemplinska, ASG 29 Whiteface Mountain, Lake Placid, NY (Centerfold) [Photography\Sailplane\Scenery], pages30, 31
    Sergio Colacevich, Inadvertent Low-Turn Spins (Feature Article) [Safety\Spins], page34
    Maria Szemplinska, Sailplane and Soaring Scenes (Photo Showcase) [Photography\Sailplanes\People], pages40, 41
    Maria Szemplinska, Soaring - Photo Showcase (Photo Showcase) [Photography\Key], page42
    (Contributions)No author or title, [Contributions\Eagle Fund], page42
    Bill Daniels, (Winching World) [Launching\Winch], page44
    Frank Paynter, Condor Competition Review (The Condor Corner) [Simulation\Competition], page46
    Contests and Special Events (Soaring Calendar) [Calendar], page48
    Rollin Hasness, Badges & Records (SSA and FAI Awards) [Awards\Badges], page50
    Bertha Ryan, Remembering the Past (Soaring Memories) [History], page52
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Alex Gomez], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Honglin Dong], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Kevin Wheeler], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Eric Robinson], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Tom Savory], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Brent Bauries], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Kyle Barnes], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Lee Slinger], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Glider Rating\Peter Jarvis], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Glider Rating\Gary Herr], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Brooke Billinski], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\James Garrett], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Tim Raven], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Kaitlin Brown], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private Hayley Smith], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\Solo\Ben Shaw], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Doug Steele], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Gary Mason], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [New Ratings\CFI-G\Wolfgang Mueller; Commercial\Brian Maisler], page56
    Final Glide (Soaring Milestones) [Obituaries\Robert Eldridge\James Behrends\Robert Bowden\Steven du Pont\Harris Schurmeier], page56

March(up to table of contents)

    Kevin Conklin, Valley Soaring Club, Middletown, NY (Covers) [Towplanes]
    Chuck Coyne, Winter Catalog Perusal (Flight Lines) [Equipment\Catalogs], page2
    David Fisichella, Danger-Warnings Wanted (Soaring Mail) [Safety\Warning signs], page3
    Tom Knauff, Developing a Discipline (Soaring Mail) [Safety\Cross-country\Final Glide\Pattern], page3
    Frauke Elber, Clarifications (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\unidentified bystander\Brian Sprekley], page4
    Geoffrey Tyler, CAP Kudos (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Youth\CAP], page4
    Luke Scharf, Paper or Pixels (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Digital], page4
    Art Wallace, Scholarship Deadline (Soaring News) [Scholarships\Wallace\Youth], page6
    James Kellett, Graphic Grabber (Soaring News) [Trailer\Aft picture], page6
    "Test" Glider Student Pilots (Soaring News) [Commercial Operators\SoaringNV\Youth\Employees], page6
    Jim Kellett, The 2014 Virginia Soaring Associations' Soaring Summit on Safety (Soaring News) [Safety\Soaring Summit], page7
    Connecticut Soaring Association (Soaring News) [Club\Accomplishments\Donations\Awards], page7
    First in '14 (Soaring News) [Clubs\Tidewater Soaring Society], page8
    Bernald Smith, Safety measured by Insurance Losses (2014 Safety Program) [Safety\Insurance], page9
    Dan Gudgel, Lenticular Clouds (Weather to Fly) [Clouds\Lenticular], page10
    Daniel Johnson, Why We Blunder in the Turn (Soaring Rx) [Safety\Medical], page13
    Joe Walter, Safer Soaring (Feature Article) [Safety\Proactive], page16
    Phil Chidekel, Another Reason to Fly a 1-26 (Feature Article) [Competition\1-26 Fun Meet\Youth], page18
    Keith Miller, Region 10 Contest Report (Feature Article) [Competition\Regional\Houston], page22
    Gerard Robertson, Collision Avoidance (Feature Article) [Safety\Collisions], page26
    Antonio Gemma More, Jonker JS1-C w/21m Tips and Jet Sustainer Over Tullahoma Regional Airport (Centerfold) [Sailplane\Jonker JS1-C], pages30, 31
    Eric Bick, An Emerging Desire to Fly In Contests (Feature Article) [Competition\Attraction], page32
    Bernard Eckey, Interview with Ulrich Kremer from Schleicher (Feature Article) [Sailplanes\Schleicher], page34
    Mark Gibson and Mark Adams, Sailplanes Lined up for Competition Launch (Photo Showcase) [Competition\National\Parowan\Ephrata], page37
    Mitch Polinsky, Record Flying in the Great Basin in the Summer of 2013:How Did This Happen? (Feature Article) [Cross Country\Records\Nevada], page38
    (Contributions)No author or title, [Contributions\Eagle Fund], page44
    Bill Daniels, Winching Safely (Winching World) [Launch\Winch], page46
    Scott Manley, Nyal Williams, and John Duke, A Major Breakthrough - Nyal's Squib - My Condor Story (The Condor Corner) [Simulation\Instruction], page48
    Bertha Ryan, Remembering the Past (Soaring Memories) [History], page52
    Rollin Hasness, Badges & Records (SSA and FAI Awards) [Awards\Badges], page53
    Contests and Special Events (Soaring Calendar) [Calendar], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Ernie Havner], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Bruce Fitzpatrick], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Summer Thompson], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\George Haire], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Falconer Tom Savory], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Jeff Kirby], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Erin MacNeil], page56
    Gliding Achievement and Final Glide (Soaring Milestones) [Training\Youth\First Solo\Logan LaLonde], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Andrew Tubbiolo], page57
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\TransitionSolo\Jamie Klopp], page57
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [New Ratings\Commercial\Garrert Meriwether\Ron Olson], page57
    Final Glide (Soaring Milestones) [Obituaries\H.G. Helbig; Obituaries\John Lederer; Obituaries\Richard Schuman; Obituaries\Francis Bennett], page57

April(up to table of contents)

    Ramy Yametz, Wave at 18,000 feet over Medoncinos near Williams, CA (Covers) [Selfie\Ramy Yanetz]
    Chuck Coyne, Trailer Time (Flight Lines) [Equiptment\Trailer], page2
    Bill Daniels, Appropriate Training Needed? (Soaring Mail) [Safety\Training\Stalls/Spins], page3
    Mike Opitz, War Stories (Soaring Mail) [History\WW II\Rudy Opitz], page3
    Richard Smith, Cloudstreet (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Article\Cloudstreet], page4
    Ron Clarke, Congrats and a Photo ID (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Article\Photo ID], page4
    Tom Conte, Support for more FRIC Efforts (Soaring Mail) [Training\Instructor\Renewal], page4
    Another SoCal Gliderport Lost (Soaring News) [Facilities\Gliderports\California City], page5
    New SSA Executive Committee Members (Soaring News) [SSA\Management\Executive Committee], page5
    Richard Carlson, 2013 Accidents as Reported by NTSB (2014 Safety Program) [Safety\Reports\Accidents], page6
    Daniel Johnson, Ten-Hut! co*ckpit Attention Disorder (Soaring Rx) [Safety\Medical\Situational Awareness], page8
    Joe Walter, Safer Soaring Common Sense, Common Practice (Feature Article) [Safety\Common Sense], page12
    Billy Hill, Fast Moving Fighter Jet Hits Glider (Feature Article) [Safety\Collisions\ATC\Transponders], page14
    Gene Reinecke, Weak Wave Days on the Wasatch (Feature Article) [Soaring\Wave\Wasatch], page16
    Eric Bick, Preparing for the Hunt (Feature Article) [Competition\Preparation], page20
    Chuck Coyne, Denise Layton, The 2014 SSA Convention Reno, Nevada (Feature Article) [Convention\Biannual\Reno; Awards], page26
    Anse Windham, Schempp-Hirth Ventus B,Bishop, TX (Centerfold) [Sailplane\Ventus B], pages30, 31
    Jim Short, The Vintage Sailplane Association Celebrates its 40th Anniversary (Feature Article) [Divisions\Vintage Sailplane Association], page37
    Bill Daniels, Operating Procedures (Winching World) [Launch\Winch], page42
    Frank Paynter, Natural Point Track IRS Pro Configuration (The Condor Corner) [Simulation\Condor\Display], page46
    (Contributions)No author or title, [Contributions\Eagle Fund], page49
    Bertha Ryan, Remembering the Past (Soaring Memories) [History], page50
    Rollin Hasness, Badges & Records (SSA and FAI Awards) [Awards\Badges], page51
    Contests and Special Events (Soaring Calendar) [Calendar], page52
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Gage Morgan], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Joe Venick], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Anke Radloff], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Parks Honeywell], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Al Jones], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\CFIG\James "JP" Stewart], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Lorenzo Loche], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Rachel McKay], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Trey Bergman], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Hiromu Tamura], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Yuki Utsumi], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Bill Weiser], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Brandon Herr], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Ryoma Miura], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Andrew Szabados], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Josh Eis], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Richard Hrusovsky], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Tom Koch], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Allen Miller], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Frank Crocevera], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [New Ratings\CFIG\Gary Forister\LarrySilveman; Commercial\Nate Leben], page56
    Final Glide (Soaring Milestones) [Obituaries\Robert Nady\Rex Furney\Gerald Beaty], page56

May(up to table of contents)

    Jim Murray, "Selfie" in Flight near Golden, CO (Covers) [Sailpane]
    Chuck Coyne, Another Lost Gliderport (Flight Lines) [Gliderports\Krey Field], page2
    Beverly Howard, Disappointing Response (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Electronic\Volunteers], page3
    Hans Disma, Which Winch? (Soaring Mail) [Magaxine\Winch], page3
    John Takacs, Blundering Turns (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Soaring RX\Stalls], page3
    Woody Cannon, The Joy of OLC (Soaring Mail) [Competition\On-line\Spontaneity\records], page3
    Bob Dutilly, Mother Nature on her own Schedule (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Letters to the Editor\Climate Change], page4
    Dan Armstrong, Award Winner (Soaring News) [Awards\OSTIV Plaque\Bruce Carmichael], page5
    Ralph Kolstad, Kolstad Award Countdown (Soaring News) [Scholarships\Kolstad Award], page5
    Final Glide (Soaring News) [Obituaries\Joseph Pacini; Obituaries\Chelun Huang], page5
    John Earlywine Honored (Soaring News) [Training\Master Instructor], page5
    Pat Costello & Burt Compton, The Value of Club Management (2014 Safety Program) [Safety\Clubs\Accidents], page6
    Daniel Johnson, How to Spin Unintentionally (Soaring RX) [Safety\Spins], page8
    Gor Yaswen, Glider (Feature Article) [Poetry\Flight], page12
    Dianne Black-Nixon, The U.S. Team - Open Class, 18 Meter and 15 Meter, 33rd FAI World Gliding Championship, Leszno, Poland (Feature Article) [Competition\U.S. Team\Poland], page14
    Wolf Elber and Frauke Elber, Flying with the Masters in the French Alps (Feature Article) [Soaring\Mountains\France], page18
    Carolyn Berge, The Ballad of John Sullivan, a Brave and Crafty Pilot (Feature Article) [Poetry\Flight\People\John Sullivan], page23
    Andy Blackburn, Gliders, Midairs and FLARM (Feature Article) [Safety\Mid-Air\Flarm], page24
    National Soaring Museum, Spalinger S-18 Landing at Harris Hill, NY (Centerfold) [Sailplane\Vintage\Harris Hill], pages30, 31
    Eric Bick, The Hunt Minimizing the Pain (Feature Article) [Competition\Preparation], page37
    Diana Hayes, Justin McMaster, Scott Lance, François Hersen, Sailplanes, Tow, Clouds, Mountains (Photo Showcase) [Sailplanes\Scenery], pages40, 41
    Andreea Alexandrescu, News From Growth and Development Committee (Growth and Development) [SSA\Committees\Growth and Development], page42
    Don Ingraham, Commercial Winchery in Minnesota (Winching World) [Launching\Winch], page43
    Scott Manley & Mario Gerhardt, SSA Reno + My Condor Story (The Condor Corner) [Simulation\Training], page46
    (Contributions)No author or title, [Contributions\Eagle Fund], page50
    Rollin Hasness, Badges & Records (SSA and FAI Awards) [Awards\Badges], page51
    Bertha Ryan, Remembering the Past (Soaring Memories) [History], page52
    Contests and Special Events (Soaring Calendar) [Calendar], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Commercial\Randy Blair], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\Solo\Keisha Holback], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Olivia Ackley], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Thomas Zammataro], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Wayne Daniel], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Daniel Barcay], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Jaden Wass], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Yosuke Okami], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Charles Locke], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\David Brooks], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Guillaume Pelaud], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Peter Sunder], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Andrew Verdes], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Col Paul Beienke], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Wayne Woldt], page56

June(up to table of contents)

    Jeff Mattice, Adirondack Soaring Club Wave Camp (Covers) [Sailplanes\Wave Camp\Adirondack Soaring Club]
    Chuck Coyne, Postponed (Flight Lines) [Sailplane\Maintenance], page2
    Brian Heckman, Likes the Online Soaring Archive (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Archives], page3
    C. Lang, Kudos to Billy Hill (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Feature Article], page3
    Paul Besing, Important Details (Soaring Mail) [Training\Nomenclature], page3
    Andreea Alexandrescu, News from the Growth & Development Committee (Soaring News) [SSA\Management\Growth and Development], page4
    Dr. Don Johnson Receives Tuntland Award (Soaring News) [Awards\Tuntland\Dr. Don Johnson], page4
    John DeRosa, ChicagoLand Glider Council Youth Grant Awards (Soaring News) [Awards\ChicagoLand Youth\Anna Stehlik], page5
    Richard Carlson, The Dreaded Stall/Spin Accident (2014 Safety Program) [Safety\Stall/Spin], page7
    Daniel Johnson, Max Gross Weight (Soaring RX) [Safety\Health\Weight], page8
    Joe Walter, Safer Soaring (Feature Article) [Safety\Focus], page12
    Rich Owen and John Good, 2014 Senior Soaring Championship (Feature Article) [Competition\Senior\Seminole Lake, Florida], page14
    Joan Moos, Cathedrals; Wings; Today I'll Rise and Touch the Clouds (Soaring Poetry Corner) [Poetry], page22
    Lee Murray, Using Model Gliders to Build SSA Membership (Feature Article) [Models\Promotion], page24
    W.G. Hill, Dances with Eagles (and Buzzards, if I Must) (Feature Article) [Soaring\Birds\Eagles], page26
    Jeff Mattice, Sailplane Returns to Lake Placid Airport after a Day of Chasing Wave in the Skies Above New York (Centerfold) [Sailplane\Duo Discus\Adirondack Soaring Club], pages30, 31
    Renny Rozzoni, Soaring Site of the Month - Moriarty Municipal Airport (OEO) - Moriarty, New Mexico (Feature Article) [Sites\Moriarty, NM], page32
    Eric Bick, The Hunt (Feature Article) [Competition\Strategy\Avenal, CA], page38
    Bob Salvo, Tuning/Flying & Loving the Genesis-s, a Flying Wing (Feature Article) [Sailplane\Genesis-2], page43
    Bill Daniels, Getting Scientific (Winching World) [Launch\Winch], page46
    Frank Paynter, The Condor Cross Country Soaring Center (The Condor Corner) [Simulation\Cross-Country], page48
    Rollin Hasness, Badges & Records (SSA and FAI Awards) [Awards\Badges], page50
    (Contributions)No author or title, [Contributions\Eagle Fund], page51
    Contests and Special Events (Soaring Calendar) [Calendar], page52
    Bertha Ryan, Remembering the Past (Soaring Memories) [History], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Casey Sanders], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Arnie Frankenburger], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Mike Jones], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Commercial\Bernie Poulin], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Andrew Chant], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Greg Carrier], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Commercial\Pete Sunder], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Glider Rating\Xavier Zavatsky], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Hogan McInturff], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Glider Rating\Tom Traeger], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Brian Price], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\CFIG\Edward "Ned" Linch], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Nic Nicholson], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Commercial\Joel LeFebvre], page56
    Final Glide (Soaring Milestones) [Obituaries\John Krey; Obituaries\John Wastvedt; Obituaries\Bob Deleon; Obituaries\Conrad Kay; Obituaries\John Mackie; Obituaries\Peter Dolan; Obituaries\Hugh Cohen; Obituaries\Judge Hal Lattimore], page56

July(up to table of contents)

    Marcin F. Swiderski, Central Ohio Soaring Association's 1-26 being prepped for flight (Covers) [Sailplane\Schweizer 1-26]
    Chuck Coyne, Familiarization with new airport and mountain flying (Flight Lines) [Training\Field Check\Mountain Familiarization], page2
    Frank Allen, Sharing Club Newsletter Content (Soaring Mail) [Clubs\Newsletters\Soaring Club of Houston], page3
    Frauke & Wolf Elber, Article Update (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Update], page3
    Nyal Williams, Thanking Dr. Dan (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Soaring RX], page3
    Brian Heckman, Likes Online Archive (Soaring Mail) [Web Site\Archive], page4
    John Hunter, Dual Kudos (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Soaring RX\Cover], page4
    Paul Besing, A Couple of Corrections (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Corrections], page4
    Call for SSA Director Nominations (Soaring News) [SSA\Management\Directors], page5
    Making Soaring a Family Legacy (Soaring News) [Committees\Growth & Development], page5
    The OLC Needs your Help in the USA (Soaring News) [Competition\Online\Reporting], page5
    David Newall, Share the Experience Photo Contest (Soaring News) [Contest\Photos], page6
    Official Contest Announcement (Soaring News) [Contest\Photos\Announcement], page6
    Thank you Carolina Soaring (Soaring News) [Gatherings\Joe Nall Week\Volunteers\Carolina Soaring], page6
    Volunteers Wanted! (Soaring News) [Gatherings\EAA AirVenture\Volunteers], page6
    Dave Nuss, Soaring Promoted at Ohio Air Show (Soaring News) [Air Show\Promotion\Soaring], page7
    Ralph Kolstad, Kolstad Award Countdown (Soaring News) [Awards\Kolstad], page7
    Final Glide (Soaring Milestones) [Obituaries\Erwin Long\Obituaries\Robert Knauff\Obituaries\George Sterling], page7
    Middle School Glider Visit (Soaring News) [Youth\Promotion], page7
    Richard Carlson, Three Strikes and You Are Out! (2014 Safety Program) [Safety\Stall/Spin], page8
    Daniel Johnson, Hand Follows Gaze (Soaring Rx) [Safety\Misperception], page10
    Sergio Colacevich, Alby Near Kitty Hawk (Feature Article) [Cross-Country\Icon\Alby], page14
    Tony Condon, Gone With the Wind (Feature Article) [Cross-Country\Mid West\Downwind Dash], page16
    Laura Karlin,Dick Huppertz, Let Gravity Go; Question Gravity; The Dance of Soaring (Soaring Poetry Corner) [Poetry], page19
    Eric Bick, The Kill (Or Maybe just "The Competition") (Feature Article) [Competition\Strategy\Avenal, CA], page20
    Daniel Sazhin, So You Have Landed out ... Now What? (Feature Article) [Cross-Country\Out-landing], page26
    Rick Leffingwell, L-23 Super Blanik, Inyokern, California (Photo Showcase) [Sailplane\Blanik; Scenery\Mountains], pages30, 31
    Lee Murray, Extending the Life of Lead-Acid Gel Cell Batteries (Feature Article) [Maintenance\Batteries], page33
    Al Parker, To E.J. Reeves: Pioneering the 1000 Kilometers (Feature Article) [History\1000K\Al Parker], page36
    Dick Johnson, Record Distance Flights - Comparison and Comments (Feature Article) [History\Records\Distance], page40
    Ed Lange, The Weather During Parker's Flight (Feature Article) [History\Records\Weather], page42
    Scott Manley and Michael Abell, + MyCondor Story (The Condor Corner) [Simulation\Condor\Instruction], page46
    (Contributions)No author or title, [Contributions\Eagle Fund], page50
    Rollin Hasness, Badges & Records (SSA and FAI Awards) [Awards\Badges], page51
    Bertha Ryan, Remembering the Past (Soaring Memories) [History], page52
    Contests and Special Events (Soaring Calendar) [Calendar], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Sophie Cienski], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\CFIG\Steward Ayotte], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Josh Fisher], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Add-on\Jeff Richardson], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Chris Reilly], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Michael Herrera], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Carl Engel], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Christopher Bott], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Duane Woods]
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Neil Humphrey]
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Daniel Dyck]
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Nicolas Sekies]
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Mike Sorenson]
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\Reese Cocrane]
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\John Van De Pol]

August(up to table of contents)

    John McGrath, (Covers) [Competition\National\15-Meter]
    Chuck Coyne, Racing Sailplanes (Flight Lines) [Promotion\Sailplanes\Racing], page2
    Frank Allen, July Issue in June? (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Delivery], page4
    Glen Matejcek, Looking for Altitude (Soaring Mail) [Sites\Altitude], page4
    Paul Loschiavo, Angle of Attack (Soaring Mail) [Instrumentation\AOA Indicator], page4
    Steve Newfield, More June Gloom (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Sailplanes\Call Signs], page4
    Faustine Carrera, FAI News (Soaring News) [Video\FAI], page5
    Ralph Kolstad, Kolstad Award Countdown (Soaring News) [Awards\Kolstad\Deadline], page5
    Final Glide (Soaring Milestones) [Obituaries\John Wastvedt], page5
    Tom Johnson, The Unseen Stall (2014 Safety Program) [Safety\Stalls], page6
    Doug Eatman, Region 5 South 2014 at Cordele (Feature Article) [Competition\Regional\Cordele], page8
    Pedja Bogdanovich, Flight Tracking Reaches New Heights (Feature Article) [Cross-Country\Tracking], page14
    Reba Coombs, Welcome Back to Minden (Feature Article) [Competition\Nationals\18-Meter], page19
    Bob Messner, Youth Programs at Sugarbush Soaring (Feature Article) [Training\Youth], page26
    John McGrath, ASH-31Mi 2014 18-Meter Nationals, Minden, NV (Centerfold) [Sailplane\ASH-31Mi], pages30, 31
    Greg Ellis, Soaring Beyond Limitations (Feature Article) [Training\Physical Limitations], page32
    Scott Fletcher, Disaster on the Way to Perry and the Road to Recovery (Feature Article) [Trailering\Accidents], page36
    Daniel Johnson, Optical Age Spots (Soaring Rx) [Medical\Eyesight\Macular Degeneration], page40
    Dan Gudgel, Turbulence (Weather to Fly) [Safety\Turbulence], page44
    Bill Daniels, The Fixer-Upper (Winching World) [Launch\Winch\Maintenance], page48
    (Contributions)No author or title, [Contributions\Eagle Fund], page50
    Rollin Hasness, Badges & Records (SSA and FAI Awards) [Awards\Badges], page51
    Contests and Special Events (Soaring Calendar) [Calendar], page52
    Bertha Ryan, Remembering the Past (Soaring Memories) [History], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Cory O'Neel], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Russell Schwartz], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Hannah Ploch], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Keith Overstreet], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Commercial\Stuart Cartin], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Steve Woodruff], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Kelsey Ishimoto], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Commercial\David Lobdell], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Chris Nye], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Commercial\Casey Sanders], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\CFIG\Ron Heller], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\CFIG\Will Matthews], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\CFIG\Kyle Strunk], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\CFIG\Ty Gunnlaugsson], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Commercial\T.R. Wright], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Peter Lawson], page56

September(up to table of contents)

    Piet Barber, Rolladen-Schneider LS-4 on final at Woodstock, VA (Covers) [Landing\Sailplane\Woodstock, VA]
    Chuck Coyne, Racing Sailplanes (Flight Lines) [Promotion\Sailplanes\Racing], page2
    Alden Gaw, By Any Other Name (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Nomenclature\Certified], page3
    Barry Schiff, Turn Rate Turnabout (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Safety\Correction], page3
    Joan Moos, Waxing Poetic (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Poetry\Author\Thank-you], page3
    Paul Loschiavo, AOA? (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Question\Instruments], page3
    Final Glide (Soaring Milestones) [Obituaries\William Pace\Steven Rhule\Edward Toohey\Jeff Knell\Richard Dibble\Thomas Rathbone\Thomas Holloran\Robert Bauer], page4
    Pegasus Becomes Lazarus! (Soaring News) [Sailplanes\Pegase], page4
    Sixth International Vintage Sailplane Meet (Soaring News) [Meet\Vintage\Elmira\2016], page4
    VSA's New Social Site (Soaring News) [Social\VSA], page4
    History is Made (Soaring News) [History\Four Generations\Alex, Sean, Manfred, Herbert Franke], page5
    Tom Johnson, That Was Stupid (2014 Safety Program) [Safety\Training], page6
    Daniel Johnson, Aerobatics - Dangerous? (Soaring RX) [Aerobatics\Risk Management\Preparation], page7
    Greg Seiderski, Jump ... or Wait? About Extreme Soaring Accidents (Feature Article) [Safety\Accidents\Bail-out], page12
    Steve Barber, 6T: A Love Story (Feature Article) [Sailplane\Schleicher AS-W19B\First Sailplane], page18
    Joe Silvestri, When Words Collide (A Fishy Story) (Feature Article) [Sailplane\Eagle\Fish], page22
    Dale Masters, Your Lying Eyes (Soaring Stories) [Perception\Altitude\Distance], page24
    John Godfrey, Air Space Alert! How Air Space is all CARFed up (Feature Article) [Air Space\Fires\CARF], page27
    Rick Leffingwell, Tom Bjork and Dan Gonzales and ASH 30 Mi, White Mountains, NV (Centerfold) [Sailplane\ASH 30 Mi; Scenery\Sierra Nevada], pages30, 31
    Merel O'Rourke, Roadmap to Your Private-Pilot-Glider Certificate (Feature Article) [Training\Pilot Certification], page32
    Steve Vihlen, Jerry Lane, Jim Hard, Garry Dickson, Lane Decker, Benton, TN; Aguilla, AZ; Zambrota, MN; Owens Valley, CA; Parowan, UT (Photo Showcase) [Sailplanes\Scenery], pages36,37
    Lloyd Licher, AES Memories (Feature Article) [Clubs\MIT\Aeronautical Engineering Society], page38
    Bill Daniels, Can a Club Build Winch? (Winching World) [Launching\Winch], page41
    Scott Manley, Tom Berry, Robert Kidd, Exciting Training Developments at Harris Hill + My Condor Story + Thank you Frank Paynter (The Condor Corner) [Simulation\Condor\Training], page43
    Contests and Special Events (Soaring Calendar) [Calendar], page49
    Rollin Hasness, Badges & Records (SSA and FAI Awards) [Awards\Badges], page50
    (Contributions)No author or title, [Contributions\Eagle Fund], page50
    Bertha Ryan, Remembering the Past (Soaring Memories) [History], page52
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\CFIG\Ty Gunnlaugsson], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\CFIG\Will Matthews], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Chris Busch], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Rebecca Colby], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\CFIG\Kyle Strunk], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Jim Rushing], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Jeff Jewell], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Commercial T.R.Wright], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Eleanor Renshaw], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private Add-on\Peter Lawson], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Neil Humphrey], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Yodo Osamu], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\Private\Richard Davis], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\John Tompkins], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\CFIG\John Guillot], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Jacob Gerbino], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Arnie Frankenburger], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Nathan Tardif], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Ernest Benner], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Jeff Melgaard], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Maxwell Edison Halkenhauser], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Commercial\Richard Smolinski], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Sam Windsor], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\CFIG\Casey Sanders], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Anneliese Vetter], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Judson Vandiver], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Brandon Snow], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Dan Zenger], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\David McMaster], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Commercial\Jeremy DeBon], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Yasuo Akiyama], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Frank Gose], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Private\Martin Collier], page56

October(up to table of contents)

    Chuck Coyne, Classic 'Pencil' Dust Devil Photographed at Crystal Airport (Covers) [Thermals\Rogue\Crystal]
    Chuck Coyne, Editor Says Good By (Flight Lines) [Editor\Farewell\Thanks], page2
    Brian Neff, One More Way to Damage Your Glider (Soaring Mail) [Damage\Wind], page3
    Nicolas Hale, A Great LVVSA Experience (Soaring Mail) [FAST\Las Vegas Valley Soaring], page3
    Denise Layton, 2014 Director Election Results (Soaring News) [Management\Directors\Elections], page4
    Jeff Stringer, Magazine Likes and Dislikes (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Graphics], page4
    Jim Clark, Magazine Likes and Dislikes (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Articles], page4
    Roger G. Bard, No National Standard Class Contest (Soaring Mail) [Competition\National\Standard], page4
    Tony Condon, Bultman Scholarships Awarded (Soaring News) [Scholarships\Bultman], page4
    Final Glide (Soaring Milestones) [Obituaries\Rokki Roberts\Michael Hutchison\Harold Klieforth\Ralph Douthit\Ray Franchamps\Robert Drew\Ron Carter\Jorge Estevez Morfi\Ciprian Ivascu\Oliver Benson], page5
    The 2014 Michael Wallace Memorial Scholarship awarded (Soaring News) [Scholarships\Wallace], page5
    Stephen Dee, Taking a Look at "Powered Gliders" and the ASA (2014 Safety Program) [Motorgliders\ASA], page6
    Daniel Johnson, Some Effects of Cold (Soaring RX) [Environment\Cold], page8
    Vin Urbanowski, A Perfect Day (Feature Article) [Youth\Education\Engineering\Soaring], page12
    Bob Thompson, Rogue' Air Currents (Feature Article) [Meteorology\Dust Devils\Turbulence\Virga], page20
    Bozena Michalowski, Pegasus 101A at Wurtsboro, NY; 2014 Region 2 North Contest (Centerfold) [Sailplane\Pegasus 101A], pages30, 31
    SSA Announces First Dues Increase Since 2002 (Announcement) [Announcement\SSA\Dues], page32
    Harry Clayton, The Preflight (Feature Article) [Safety\Preflight], page33
    Dan Teifke, Somewhere to Soar: Darrington, Washington (Feature Article) [Sites\Darrington,WA], page34
    Mark Mocho, Final Results for the 2014 World and US OLC League (Feature Article) [Competition\OLC\League], page38
    Richard Sayer, "It Never Happened Before." Why? (Teaching Soaring) [Safety\Instruction], page41
    Kai Talarek, Renni Rozzon, Susan Wonderling,Randy Teel, Roberto Pirotta, (Photo Showcase) [Sailplane\Airports\Clouds], pages42,43
    Dan Gudgel, Degraded Visibility (Weather to Fly) [Weather\Visibility], page44
    Bill Daniels, (Winching World) [Launch\Winch\Cost], page46
    (Contributions)No author or title, [Contributions\Eagle Fund], page48
    Contests and Special Events (Soaring Calendar) [Calendar], page49
    Rollin Hasness, Badges & Records (SSA and FAI Awards) [Awards\Badges], page50
    Bertha Ryan, Remembering the Past (Soaring Memories) [History], page51
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Daniel Dyck], page52
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\John Siemans], page52
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Tom Holben], page52
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\CFIG\Patrick Good], page52
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Henri Dolnikoff], page52
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Tugan Eritenel], page52
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Sam Parker], page52
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Robert Montgomery], page52
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Matt McGuire], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Alex Stahl], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Noah Reitter], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Powell Stone], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Ceara Berry], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Dave Ruskauff], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Bruce Zivic], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Commercial\Tory Tolton], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Sierra Jackson], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Jason Ogle], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Charles Locke], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Marie-Claire LaBerge], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Conor Mooney], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\FirstSolo\Joe McGill], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Chris Busch], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Tom Wolfe], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Commercial\Dick Bevington], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Griffin Gluck], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Pablo Saso-Perkins], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Chris and Christine Patton], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\Private\Noy Anisman], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Blake Sortor], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Tony DiBasio], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Nick Bermudez], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Noah Eudy], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Dody Ditchfield], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Eric Sirles], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Daniel Ward], page56

November(up to table of contents)

    Paul Rendel, Self Portrait Depicting Flying in a Soaring Contest (Covers) [Art\Sailplanes\Self Portrait]
    Chuck Coyne, Mentored Cross-country with Land-out (Flight Lines) [Cross-Country\Land-out], page2
    Bertha Ryan, More AES Memories (Soaring Mail) [History\Clubs\MIT\Aeronautical Engineering Society], page3
    Einar Enevoldson, If You Fly Really Slowly (Soaring Mail) [Aerodynamics\Circling], page3
    Rick Leffingwell, Photo ID, Please (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Centerfold Photo], page3
    Sue Romberger, FAI Silver Badge (Soaring Mail) [Awards\Silver], page5
    Congratulations to FAI Award Winner Judy Ruprecht (Soaring News) [Awards\Tissandier\Judy Ruprecht], page6
    FAA Allows Cameras Like GoPro Or Nflight To Be Mounted Externally On An Aircraft (Soaring News) [Regulations\Cameras], page6
    HP-24 Project Creates Buzz (Soaring News) [ESA\Sailplane\HP-24], page6
    Perlan Project Wins Aerokurier OLC Silver League 2014 (Soaring News) [Award\OLC\Silver League], page6
    A Good Painting Starts With a Vision of a Moment in Time (Soaring News) [Artist\Paul Rendel], page7
    Final Glide (Soaring Milestones) [Obituaries\Robert Smedley\Michael McCarron\Robert Ball\James Spelman\Werner Sommer], page7
    Rich Carlson, Stamping Out the Low Speed Approach (2014 Safety Program) [Landing\Approach], page8
    Daniel Johnson, Am I Addicted? (Soaring RX) [Addictions\Soaring], page10
    Gena Tabery, WGC 2014, Leszno, Poland (Feature Article) [Competition\World\Leszno], page14
    Pete Alexander, Mark Keene, Ron Tabery, and Rick Sheppe, World Gliding Championship Leszno 2014: Pilot and Crew Reflections (Feature Article) [Competition\World\Leszno], page26
    Gena Tabery, Can the U.S. Team Win at the WGC? (Feature Article) [Competition\World\Leszno\Winning], page28
    Paul Rendel, Strange Territory (Centerfold) [Art\Sailplane\Terrain], pages30, 31
    John Dezzutti, The 2014 Region 2 North Soaring Contest (Feature Article) [Competition\Regional\2 North\Wurtsboro], page32
    Richard Sayer, Physical Sensations in Stall Maneuvers (Teaching Soaring) [Training\Sailplanes\Stall], page41
    Dale Masters, Mental Fatigue (Soaring Stories) [Safety\Fatigue], page42
    Dan Gudgel, Atmospheric Hydrometeors (Weather to Fly) [Visibility\Hydrometeor], page44
    Bill Daniels, Excitement and Fun for Youth Launching with Winches (Winching World) [Pilots\Youth\Excitement], page48
    (Contributions)No author or title, [Contributions\Eagle Fund], page51
    Contests and Special Events (Soaring Calendar) [Calendar], page51
    Rollin Hasness, Badges & Records (SSA and FAI Awards) [Awards\Badges], page52
    Richard Maleady, A Membership Update (Management) [Membership], page53
    Bertha Ryan, Remembering the Past (Soaring Memories) [History], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Mark Fredette], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Eric Grubel], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\Private\Jaden Wass], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\"A" Badge\Ken Whittemore], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Alex Ryan], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Commercial\Wiebe Gortmaker], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\John Heston], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Jason Hannon], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Bill Heisler], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Tommy Webster], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Clay King], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\Add-on\Stefan Arnone], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\First Solo\Gene Wedge], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\"A" Badge\Pat Combs], page56

December(up to table of contents)

    Chris Courtney, Schweizer 2-33 Towing Behind a Pawnee at Sugarbush, VT (Covers) [Aero Tow Launch\Pawnee\2-33\Sugarbush]
    Chuck Coyne, Winter work on X-C Simulations and Trailer Preparation (Flight Lines) [Seasons\Maintenance\Trailers], page2
    Dan Cook, The Unseen Stall (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Stalls], page3
    Dan Johnson, Bob Thompson/Rogue Air Fans (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Rogue Air], page3
    Richard VanGrunsven, Windmilling Drag (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Self launching sailplanes], page3
    Ron Clark, Bob Thompson/Rogue Air Fans (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\Rogue Air Currents], page3
    Bob Thompson, Liked the October Issue (Soaring Mail) [Magazine\October], page4
    Ian McFall, CAP Social Media (Soaring News) [Media\CAP], page5
    Ralph Kolstad, 2014 Kolstad Scholarship Awarded (Soaring News) [Scholarships\Kolstad], page5
    Cadet Scholarship Awarded (Soaring News) [Scholarships\Cadet\ErikPetschauer\Honorette Remling\Jeremiah Medina\Austin Bowers], page5
    New Wings & Wheels Website (Soaring News) [Commercial Operators\Web Site], page5
    Doug Knowles, Google It (Soaring News) [Competition\Ephrata], page6
    Ron Franco, Back from the Moon (Soaring News) [Ride\Astronaut\Charlie Duke], page6
    Final Glide (Soaring News) [Obituaries\Richard Glover\Muswar Ahmad\Layne Self\A.C. Goodwin\Arnold Skopil\Doug Marshall\Adrian Collins], page6
    Wing Rigger Acquired by MM Fabrication LLC (Soaring News) [Sailplane\Assembly], page6
    SSA Announces First Dues Increase Since 2002 (Announcement) [Management\Dues], page7
    Daniel Johnson, Hearing, Listening, Understanding (Soaring RX) [Safety\Discussion], page8
    Tom Johnson, Introducing Risk (2014 Safety Program) [Safety\Risk], page11
    75th Schweizer Anniversary Story (Feature Article) [History\Anniversary\Schweizer], page12
    William E. Gallagher, The Flight of the Schweizer SGP 1-1 1930-1989 (Feature Article) [History\Schweizer\SGP 1-1], page14
    Archer Martin, The Elder Schweizers Some Memories (Feature Article) [History\Schweizers], page17
    Franklin Hurtt, My Friends, Ernie, Paul and Bill Reflections of the Early Years (Feature Article) [History\Schweizers\Early Years], page20
    William (Tony) Doherty, Class of '48 (Feature Article) [History\Schweizer Aircraft Corporation], page24
    Jim Short, More Than Nostalgia ... (Feature Article) [Gatherings\Schweizer Homecoming], page27
    Jim Goodrich, Schweizer 2-32 at Air Sailing, Nevada in the winter (Photo Showcase) [Sailplane\Schweizer 2-32], pages30, 31
    Tim Wood, A Record Setting Glider Flight in Canada's Columbia Valley (Feature Article) [Cross-country\Records], page32
    Gordon Boettger, Colin Gettliffe, Gary Fransworth, Western Waves Ruby Mountains, California, Colorado Hills (Photo Showcase) [Photos\Waves], pages38, 39
    Growth & Development Committee Activity (Committees) [SSA\Committees\Growth & Development], page40
    Keith Miller, Region 10 South Contest Report, 2014 Soaring Club of Houston, Waller, Texas (Feature Article) [Competition\Regional\Waller, TX], page41
    Richard Sayer, Checks - Pre-Flight, Pre-Take-off, Clearing, etc. (Teaching Soaring) [Instruction\Safety\Checks], page47
    Sylvia Wrosz, Turbo Thermals and Heavy Metal (Winching World) [Launching\Winch], page48
    (Contributions)No author or title, [Contributions\Eagle Fund], page50
    Rollin Hasness, Badges & Records (SSA and FAI Awards) [Awards\Badges], page51
    Bertha Ryan, Remembering the Past (Soaring Memories) [Historyi], page52
    Contests and Special Events (Soaring Calendar) [Calendar], page53
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Keith Powers], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Dan Akselrod], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Hakan Saplakoglu], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Richard Wilkening], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Justin Oaks], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Commercial\Don Grillo; Private\Craig Zimmerman], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Jerry Lees], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Andrew Wills], page54
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Commercial\Jared Bixenman], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Commercial\Darin Martin], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Yeager Dance], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Youth\First Solo\Hannah Dougherty], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Yasup Uehara], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Commercial\Jerzy Szwagrzyk], page55
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Commercial\Horacio Gutierrez], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Check\Alex Moore], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Private\Lee Barber], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Rating\Mike Foale], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\Solo\Scott Marshall], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\CAP\Solo\Kyle Anderson\Bryan Lilly, Justin Oaks\Garret Anderson], page56
    (Soaring Milestones)No author or title, [Training\CAP\CFIG\Jim McCarthy], page56
2013 list of all years
Return to the Soaring Magazine Index table of contents
Please contact John Leibacher with any suggestions concerning this material.
Soaring Magazine Index for 2014 organized by issue (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.